Welcome to Catch Up Monday!
I pray that you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a little different.
Friday night, in the midst of some lovely snow and sleet, we attended the visitation for our friend's brother, which was held at our church. While we were there, we learned that the two church-related activities planned for the next day had been canceled because of the weather. This time, that was ok with me, because it meant Ed could take my car to work the next morning. I have a front wheel drive small car and he has a rear wheel drive pick up.
When he got up the next morning, he originally thought that we had a few inches of snow, which is no big deal here. Only it wasn't snow, it was sleet, which means everything had a nice icy coating. His trip in to work was interesting, but he made it there and home ok. By Saturday afternoon the roads were somewhat clear and Katherine went to spend the night with her friend Chrystal. I cooked black beans and rice for Ed and I, and we had a quiet evening at home. We don't get many of those.
Sunday morning was a normal day. Katherine came to church with Chrystal's family. She (Katherine) sang Mandisa's "Overcomer" for special music. She did a great job! You can here the original here. After church was choir practice and then home. I baked a chicken and made mashed potatoes, giblet gravy (with whole wheat flour of course) and whole wheat biscuits..
In the late afternoon, our friend Larry came by with some fire wood. He wanted to make sure we had enough because more bad weather is coming in.
Ed and Katherine both went to sleep early. I stayed up for my weekly phone call with my dad, who lives in a suburb of Atlanta. We've been talking on Sunday nights for most of my life. Dad is a natural junker and repurposer. If he needs something, he just makes it. I hope to visit him this summer. If I do, I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures to share with you.
You'll notice I have not mentioned the Superbowl...its not my thing.
Today has been normal too, except that the talk has been about the weather. We are under a winter storm warning. The snow is supposed to start after midnight tonight, and stop Wednesday morning. Total accumulation: 7-10 inches. Then its going to get cold. Air temperatures below zero for both Wednesday and Thursday night. Looks like the dogs will be coming back in.
As for me, I could use some hibernating time. I've started cleannig the office/workroom, and I'm hoping the process will spur some ideas for new projects. I have a few things ready to share with you this week, but I hope to have some more.
Have a great evening!
See ya tomorrow!
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