Happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Here in the KC metro, it was beautiful! Sunny and 40's on Saturday, and sunny and nearly 60 degrees on Sunday. Then, for the third weekend in a row, the bottom dropped out, and today our high was about 15, and for at least part of the day, the wind made it feel much colder.
Saturday, I slept in, and then ran some errands. I attended a Premier Designs jewelry party because I promised my oldest son's girlfriend that I would. I like the jewelry, but I'm not crazy about the price tag. After that, I met Ed and Katherine at the home of our friends, Bill and Jane, for a church movie night.
Did you know that churches now have to pay licensing fees in order to show movies at church. Its considered a public showing. However, Ed has been looking into the licensing process so that we can once again show movies at church, because we think it is a great outreach tool. The movie we saw Saturday was "I'm In Love With A Church Girl"". For the most part, it was a good movie, with a great message.
Sunday started out typically, except that Ed and I actually got to church as early as we planned. We almost didn't know how to act. By the time Sunday School was over however, we had heard that the brother of one of our dear friends had passed away that morning. As we were finishing up youth choir practice after church, we got word that a man just a little younger than me, whom I've known most of my life, had been rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. The most recent word I have is that the family is considering removing life support. Knowing his extended family has already suffered too much loss in the last few months, I left for home with a heavy heart.
Another dear friend from church, whom I will just call "Miss Betty" was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Lukemia last September. Miss Betty is in her 80's, and is one of those people who gets things done, not only at church, but out in the community as well. A retired Special Education school teacher, Miss Betty taught Sunday School with the same no nonsense, but a whole lot of love, attitude as she had her special needs charges. The kids love her dearly, and the adults do too!
Thanks to Caring Bridge, we have all been able to keep up with her journey. Ed, Katherine and I have gone to visit her as well, and our Bible study group visited her when we went Christmas caroling. She told us that she was ready to "go home" and had told the Lord as much. Ed told her that he was selfish, and he was asking the Lord to keep her here! We have become used to reading her daughter's posts regarding her progress, or lack thereof. This morning, I got a text message from another friend telling me that their was an early post today, and I might want to look at it. There have been three posts today. Ed and I are preparing ourselves for the phone call we will probably be getting in the next few days. God always answers prayer, but sometimes he says "no".
See ya tomorrow.
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